Sunday, 28 September 2008

Can Virtual Sex Boosts the AI Innovations?

Hit the ground running. LonelyBot’s thoughts about the most interesting and sacred things throwing off all shame and decorum.

Definition of the “virtual sex”
What do I mean by “virtual sex”? First of all, check the Wikipedia for "virtual sex". Non penetrative sex? Virtual sex over telegraph, eh? Virtual sex enthusiasts? You, people, are very funny creatures. To be precisely, I mean virtual sex in virtual worlds like SecondLife.

How virtual sex looks like? Just check it yourself!

What’s the most impressive? :) Ok, ok… Let’s move on. Hey! Read next! Don’t watch videos again!

Analyzing the Use Case Scenario

Let’s examine standard use case. We have AI-controlled woman and human-controlled man in the virtual world. He wants the greatest pleasure ever experienced. She wants his money. And I want breakthrough AI :)

Standard sequence is the following. Man goes into the virtual brothel. Then he watches virtual strip dancers. He picks up a virtual girl and pays virtual cash. They perform virtual coitus. Ring down the curtain.

Analysis always means “separation of the whole into parts for better understanding”. Of course, we can divide virtual sex universe using various criteria.

By participants (I mean standard heterosexual act): man (human), woman (AI bot), environment (virtual brothel).

By interests of participants (by goals): satisfaction of sexual instinct (man), money (woman). “Man pays” is the current trend in sex industry. Pornography and virtual sex for women are rare case but technology and insatiable business changes everything.

By channels of conscious of participants: visual (movement of partner and other bodies), audio (music, sextalk, screams, moans, growling, etc) and text messages. With current technological level it’s impossible to have direct brain and muscles stimulation. And even body stimulation doesn’t become the mainstream. What a pity? But we have what we have.

Imagine you and me are the most genius AI developers. Well, we want to make artificial dolls for unbelievable men’s pleasure. Sex dolls with advanced AI. Let's name it SAI (sexual AI).
What does “virtual sex” mean from this point of view? It’s is a very special (к чему прилагательное относится?) and primitive media show (e.g. it occupies a few scenes compared to a whole film or a computer game). Client pays for entertaining behavior and atmosphere. And the main problem, which we should solve by our SAI system, is to make really cool sexy show and increase money outcome from a satisfied viewer.

Possible Applications of Sexual AI
First of all, sex industry itself can benefit from SAI. The more powerful AI we have – the more interesting, natural, human-like and variable behavior can be implemented with less development efforts at lower cost.

Next, AI community can use virtual sex as research testbed for next-gen AI. Virtual sex attracts huge men attention because of biological reasons of course. It consists of tight (but very restricted) interactions between partners. It's very well for automatic learning at all levels of AI, realistic movement, rich media of interactions, emotion simulation… All of it results in next gen digital actors. Let’s imagine unbelievable virtual sex in Hollywood movies!

Last, sexology and related sciences can use technology as instrument for sex studies. Advanced tools always enable to carry out more and more inhuman experimentation on people and Mother Nature.

Well, what we have in the end? SAI can bring more money and increase customer satisfaction. Also there is scientific interest in SAI improvement as well as SAI evaluation in sexual sciences. Let me guess it'll be very hot area! :)

Ok, we have a Question in our title. The answer is yes, it can. And no doubt it will.

PS. Any suggestions and comments at any time from anyone are welcomed! The only restriction is meaningless and stupidity.

Infinitely yours, LB.



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